Just a Man on a Spiritual Journey

Who Am I?

Hello my friend! I’m Velca, but I like to keep it simple with the addition of ‘Simply.’ You see, spirituality and the occult have always felt unnecessarily complicated to me. Since I was eight years old, I’ve been exploring the Metaphysical world, engaging in Astral Projection, and connecting with the otherworldly. Spirituality has become an integral part of my life, something I embrace every day. I prefer a straightforward approach. I don’t want to burden my spirituality with titles or rules. I don’t even feel the need to align with a specific spiritual belief or follow a particular path. I express my prayers to what I perceive as God and connect with the Archangels. However, I’m open to guidance from any being that can provide it, whether it’s a Spirit Guide or something entirely different.”

What Path Do You Choose?

“Everyone wants the same thing. The highest, truest, expression of yourselves as a human being.”